Katy Perry Gives Hillary Clinton ‘POTUS’ Necklace for Her Birthday

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

Katy Perry Gives Hillary Clinton ‘POTUS’ Necklace for Her Birthday

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

Katy Perry Gives Hillary Clinton ‘POTUS’ Necklace for Her Birthday

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

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A new batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails released Friday (Oct. 30) presented a glimpse into the breadth of her personal

Lady Gaga Among Celebrities in Hillary Clinton Emails

A new batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails released Friday (Oct. 30) presented a glimpse into the breadth of her personal

Lady Gaga Among Celebrities in Hillary Clinton Emails

A new batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails released Friday (Oct. 30) presented a glimpse into the breadth of her personal

How to Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum Step-by-Step Beginner Guide

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

Katy Perry Gives Hillary Clinton ‘POTUS’ Necklace for Her Birthday

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

Katy Perry Gives Hillary Clinton ‘POTUS’ Necklace for Her Birthday

In addition to performing at a fundraiser in Iowa for Hillary Clinton over the weekend, Katy Perry also got a birthday present for the presidential candidate, who turns 68 on Monday. They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent…

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