Meghan Trainor on Her Vocal Surgery and Comeback: ‘I’m Singing Better Than Ever’

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…

Meghan Trainor on Her Vocal Surgery and Comeback: ‘I’m Singing Better Than Ever’

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…

Enigma Delays Release of ‘Discovery’ Protocol on Ethereum Mainnet

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…

Meghan Trainor on Her Vocal Surgery and Comeback: ‘I’m Singing Better Than Ever’

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…

Meghan Trainor on Her Vocal Surgery and Comeback: ‘I’m Singing Better Than Ever’

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…

Meghan Trainor on Her Vocal Surgery and Comeback: ‘I’m Singing Better Than Ever’

This summer I went into my MTrain Tour with rough cords. When they hemorrhaged, I canceled some shows, but in the middle of the tour, I got bronchitis. My doctor said, “You have to stop.” I was devastated. They doubtless…
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