Shawn Mendes Announces ‘Handwritten Revisited’ With New Songs, Live Recordings

Handwritten Revisited will include 16 songs in all, including four new songs and five live recordings from the the 17-year-old pop star’s Aug. 16 show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. Presently it swung full upon us and—stopped. The…

Shawn Mendes Announces ‘Handwritten Revisited’ With New Songs, Live Recordings

Handwritten Revisited will include 16 songs in all, including four new songs and five live recordings from the the 17-year-old pop star’s Aug. 16 show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. Presently it swung full upon us and—stopped. The…

Shawn Mendes Announces ‘Handwritten Revisited’ With New Songs, Live Recordings

Handwritten Revisited will include 16 songs in all, including four new songs and five live recordings from the the 17-year-old pop star’s Aug. 16 show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. Presently it swung full upon us and—stopped. The…

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